Pfingstrosen aus
Bad Rappenau
Irmtraud und Gottlob Rieck
© Bilder: Gottlob Rieck
Strauchpfingstrose. Sämling V0; offene Absaat von „Zi Die Ying Feng“ (Züchter Chen Dezhong, Gansu). Erste Blüte 2010. Einfache Blüte mit 2 Reihen Petalen. Burgunderrote Blüte (RHS CC 61 und 71AA) pro Stängel mit 20 cm Durchmesser. Schwarze Basalflecken bedecken ein Drittel der Petalen, diese sind schalenförmig gekerbt und leicht gewellt. Grüne Karpelle leicht behaart. Scheide, Narben und Staubfäden rosa. Pollentragende Staubbeutel. Fertil. Duft. Frühe bis mittlere Blühsaison. Aufrechtes buschiges Wachstum, Höhe 160 - 180 cm. Vermehrt und verbreitet durch Wolfgang Gießler Groß Rosenburg.
Der Name „Ilse“ soll an Irmtraud Riecks Mutter erinnern.
APS Bulletin June 2018 No. 386
(Irmtraud and Gottlob Rieck, Bad Rappenau, Germany, March 2018)
(Suffruticosa Gp) — Irmtraud and Gottlob Rieck, Bad Rappenau, Germany. — Seedling V0. Parentage: "Zi Die Ying Feng" (Breeder: Chen Dezhong) open pollinated. First bloomed 2010. SINGLE flower form with 2 rows of petals, 1 flower per stem, 8 inches in diameter (20 cm). Well displayed flowers of burgundy red (a mixture of RHS CC 61A and CC71A), with black flares extending about one third the length of the petals, having bleeding edges. Petals cupped, shallowly notched, lightly ruffled. Pollen bearing stamens, filaments pink at the base, white at the tip. Five carpels, green, moderately hairy, surrounded by a dark pink sheath. Stigmas pink, normal anatomy, fertile. Fragrance. Early midseason bloom period. Foliage typical of Gansu Mudan. Upright growth, somewhat spreading, height at maturity 63-71 inches (160-180 cm). To be propagated and distributed by W. Giessler, Groß Rosenburg, Germany.
Ilse was the beloved mother of Irmtraud. She was an enthusiasitc gardener and taught Irmtraud how much joy and happiness can be had when one occupies oneself with plants. When we imported Gansu Mudan peonies from Peace Peony Nursery of Lanzhou, Gansu Province of China in 1997, Ilse asked to get a white and a red blooming peony for her garden. We gave her the plant labelled 'Zi Die Ying Feng', a red one, and it grew very vigorously for her. As it set seeds, we sowed them and received a very beautifull burgundy red flowered seedling, which we will name in memory of my beloved mother. It was choosen for its beauty, vigour and health. – Irmtraud Rieck.